(this side of the bridge)

When two opposing forces are connected by an intermediate structure, careful construction of the structure is essential to ensure the safety and stability of the structural system, according to the laws of engineering. The importance of this structural system is highlighted in the exhibition 'On This Side of the Bridge', which exhibit works that aim to generate dialog on ideas of accessibility structure - for interaction - between different forces, eventually enabling migration or navigation from one side to another."

Notes on the Exhibition

The time in Brazil and working with the local Parque Santa Maladena's community was more than refreshing - it pushed me to really understand that emergency means emergency and that I should not slow down. Seeing the lack of basic structure for creative activities, especially accessibility to new technologies, made me think about what can be done. 

Collaborating with Joilson de Jesus Community Center through the support of local artist Nobru CZ was great and I felt very welcomed. The space and the local community gave all support needed to run the exhibition. Many local artists and small business joined the 2 days event that took place in Santa Madalena. The exhibition and other activities brough the energy nedded for teh party.

What can be done now? I've already been doing this - connecting people with the aim of bringing cultural access to others, in all levels. 

Jardim Elba and Parque Santa Madalena Neighborhoods 

Airplane view of a small section of Sao Paulo City

Works in this exhibition included:

Edition created with AI technology, video projection, painting, animation, 3D printed sculpture